The name KOCHs stands for the highest quality for more than 100 years. In addition to raw horseradish from our own cultivation, we process supplies from selected contractual partners with whom we have a trusting relationship for many years. The raw material is hand-picked and stored rapidly within 24 hours in our own state-of-the-art cold storage facilities for preserving the natural taste and nutritional content.
Shortly before processing, the horseradish roots are gently cleaned and peeled. Processing is particularly careful to not only affect the taste but also the valuable vitamins and nutrients. Furthermore a consistent quality management ensures continuous high quality.
Good is not
yet good enough.
In order to achieve superior quality every year, cultivation is carried out according to strict guidelines, some developed together with our contract growers whose compliance we constantly monitor. We also work closely with scientific horticultural institutes. Good is not yet good enough for us. At KOCHs, it has to be special.